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The Bio-Ag News: Fall 2021

The Bio-Ag News Fall 2021

Welcome to our Fall 2021 Newsletter! If this is your first time please enjoy various articles written by the staff here at Bio-Ag Consultants & Distributors.  Every quarter we bring you new and exciting content about industry trends, agricultural events and more.  We always welcome comments from our readers and even provide ad space when available.  If you want to receive an emailed copy or paper copy please call our office and our call takers will be happy to put you on our mailing list!  For all other inquiries please click here:




Inside this issue:

  • From the President
  • Ruth Knight: Reflections on the Joy of Farming
  • Kathrine's Korner: Mycotoxins
  • Product Specials
  • Dates to remember
  • Recipe of the season: Zucchini Fudge Cake

Happy Reading!



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The Bio-Ag News Summer 2021

The Bio-Ag News Summer 2021

Welcome to our Spring 2021 Newsletter! If this is your first time please enjoy various articles written by the staff here at Bio-Ag Consultants & Distributors.  Every quarter we bring you new and exciting content about industry trends, agricultural events and more.  We always welcome comments from our readers and even provide ad space when available.  If you want to receive an emailed copy or paper copy please call our office and our call takers will be happy to put you on our mailing list!  For all other inquiries please click here:




Inside this issue:

  • From the President
  • Product Specials
  • Date to Remember
  • Bio-Ag Turns 40!
  • For Sale
  • Product Updates: BioCharge Dry
  • Recipe of the Season: Tangy Tuna-Mac

Happy Reading!



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The Bio-Ag News Spring 2021

The Bio-Ag News Summer 2021

Welcome to our Spring 2021 Newsletter! If this is your first time please enjoy various articles written by the staff here at Bio-Ag Consultants & Distributors.  Every quarter we bring you new and exciting content about industry trends, agricultural events and more.  We always welcome comments from our readers and even provide ad space when available.  If you want to receive an emailed copy or paper copy please call our office and our call takers will be happy to put you on our mailing list!  For all other inquiries please click here:




Inside this issue:

  • From the President
  • Guest Article: Ruth Knight - Phasing into the Spring Equinox
  • Product Specials
  • Dates to Remember
  • Bio-Ag Turns 40!
  • Bio-Ag's new Loyalty Program
  • Product Updates: Black Earth Re-Brand
  • Kathrine’s Korner: Spring Pasture Introduction for Livestock
  • Recipe of the Season: Maple Roasted Parsnips

Happy Reading!



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Bio-Ag Summer 2020 Newsletter

Summer Newsletter 2020!

Welcome to our latest summer newsletter! If this is your first time please enjoy various articles written by the staff here at Bio-Ag Consultants & Distributors.  Every quarter we bring you new and exciting content about industry trends, agricultural events and more.  We always welcome comments from our readers and even provide ad space when available.  If you want to receive an emailed copy or paper copy please call our office and our call takers will be happy to put you on our mailing list!  For all other inquiries please click here:

 Sign Me Up!


Inside this issue:

  • From the President
  • Guest Article: Ruth Knight on 2020 Crop Season
  • Greenwood Clinic Updates
  • Upcoming Monthly Specials
  • Dates to Remember
  • Customer Appreciation Day Announcement
  • Updated AR Policy
  • Recipe Corner: Refrigerator Bars


Happy Reading!





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Another Successful C.A. Day

Customer Appreciation Day 2018!

That's a Wrap!


     Every year we put on an event to celebrate our customers and to let them know how much we appreciate their business, because without their support Bio-Ag would not be where we are today.  This year's event was on July 11th, 2018. The preparation process demands a lot of us but once everything comes together everyone has a good time. 


       As many of our customers come to this event every year, we try to offer something new whether it’s a unique educational topic or a special give away. Oh and we can’t forget the amazing lunch that was prepared with Bast Family Organic Beef.  We owe Rolling Roaster special thanks for preparing the meat and serving the food; it was cooked perfectly and was delicious!  As for gift bags, several lucky families received a full sized Real Salt shaker in their bags.


     Our information sessions were well attended.  This year we had two presentations - Summer Mastitis, and Young Ruminant Health - by Bio-Ag’s Veterinarian, Kathrine Stoeckli, who was accompanied by our Nutritionist, Thevika Sebastian. If you are interested in more information from Kathrine on summer heat stress, check out her article in our summer newsletter!


     The third presentation was by Luke Serbina of Black Earth Humic going over the exciting benefits of applying Black Earth to your crops for increased yield.  Luke also was around throughout the day to talk to customers.  Thank you for joining us Luke! We hope to see you again soon.  To learn more about Black Earth applications you can contact or office or your local dealer.


     Many of our vendors provided great door prizes these vendors include: Wayne Vanwyck from The Achievement Centre, Nature's Wave, Redmond Agriculture, Atlantean Plant Food, Black Earth Humates Ltd., Natural Feeds & Fertilizers, Ocean Harvest Technologies, Jones Feed Mills, Kindred Credit Union, Anchem Sales, Multi Mold, and Pestell Mineral & Ingredients.


     We hope everyone had a great time - we certainly did - and look forward to seeing you next year.


If you have any suggestions for next year please contact:  [email protected]


Click the button below to go to the survey and enter for a chance to win! 




*This contest is available to Canadian residents only.  Contest closed July 31, 2018.  For more details call our office: 1.800.363.5278.


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